Workshop Format Changes

I’m putting together my lineup of 2020 caricature workshops right now (in fact I’m announcing two locations on Monday), and the new year will bring a few changes to the format.
Most of the feedback I’ve gotten from students is nothing but positive, but one thing I’ve heard from both those who take the workshop and especially those who could not take it is that three days is difficult to do. Right now the format of the workshops is:
- Friday 1-6
- Saturday 10-6
- Sunday 10-5
Having part of the workshop take place on Friday afternoon requires participants to have to take a day off of work if they have 9-5’s, or miss Friday night gigs if they are professional live artists, or in general takes an extra day of their time. If they are coming from out of town, it also means an extra night in the hotel, which can cost from $100-$150 depending on the hotel. Many people have told me they have not been able to take the class because of this.
This past summer I tried something different, doing a two day workshop in Amsterdam. In order to squeeze everything into just two days, I trimmed down my opening presentation a little, skipping some of the extraneous stuff, and did not do the inking and coloring demoes I usually do. This did the trick, and we got the same amount of learning/instruction in just a weekend workshop.
It occurred to me I could easily do the same for my typical workshops, but keep the inking and coloring demoes by extending the hours a little and making Friday be a completely optional “Meet and Greet” social time. So, in 2020 and beyond the workshop format will be like this:
- Friday Optional Meet and Greet dinner- 7pm-?
- Saturday 9-6
- Sunday 9-6
Friday’s “Meet and Greet” will be at a nearby restaurant or pub, and is strictly “if you can make it”. For those who make it we’ll get the introductions out of the way there, and I’ll do a little explanation/prep about the workshop, but there will be nothing done there that will detract from a participant’s workshop experience if they don’t make it. Since it’s at 7pm, local people can work their jobs and come after if they want to make it. Out of towners can come in that day if they want to do the Meet and Greet or that night after work and skip that part.
Since most out-of-towners came in on Thursday in order to make the Friday 1pm start, this eliminates them needing to take any time off work Thursday, and the night in the hotel Thursday night, even if they want to come in early enough on Friday to come to the meet and greet. If taking off work on Friday is not possible, they can still take the workshop but just miss the Friday night part. This should save most of those people at least $100 in hotel costs, and two nights if they are close enough to drive in on Saturday morning
Overall I am only shortening the workshop time by 2 hours, which we will easily make up with the shorter opening presentation and much of the basic intro stuff done on Friday night. My main concern is that I provide the same value for the tuition I do now in terms of instruction, one on one time, and the same swag like the class illustration. Yes, the days will be a little longer, but if you’ve taken the workshop you’ll know most people can’t believe how fast the days go by. The extra time will be welcome.
Look for those workshop location announcements Monday!
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