Workshop in Amsterdam?
I’ve been working on trying to get a workshop scheduled in Amsterdam on June 21-23, and it is proving to be very problematic. Mostly it is the outrageous costs of the meeting space and hotels in the area. I will certainly have to charge quite a bit more for the class, although thanks to the per person fees lunch will be included every day as well as coffee, tea, snack breaks, sweets, fruit, croissants, etc. They put on a good event, but it’s expensive.
So I am polling my followers, let me know if you would have interest in a workshop the weekend of June 21-23 in Amsterdam, 12 students max, for €650. Besides the workshop in Switzerland put on by the Cartoon-Schule this would definitely be my only stop in Europe in 2019. You can respond here or email me directly.
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It’s definitely a lot of money, maybe it would be cheaper to do it in a smaller city, like Delft where I live!