Workshop News

Earlier this month another scheduled workshop passed by having been postponed due to the pandemic, this one was supposed to happen in Long Island City, NY. We did a little Zoom meeting for those able to participate and I did the class poster art, and am mailing out all the workshop swag to everyone. We’ll reschedule that one for the fall sometime once the hotel staff gets back to work.
Other postponed workshops include my caricature illustration workshop that was scheduled for March here in MN, the April Chicago workshop, and now the Vienna and Dublin workshops in June. I have rescheduled some of these but some might not happen due to people having to back out due to financial struggles. Totally understandable.
Right now my Detroit and Indianapolis workshops are still on track. With a max of 12 participants, I am sure we can conduct those with the proper guidelines for social distancing in place. Detroit is sold out and Indianapolis has only one spot left. All other workshops are sold out or I am not accepting any new students.
I’m afraid I will not be scheduling any other workshops in 2020, or for the foreseeable future. Things are too uncertain until there is a working vaccine and this is all behind us. I’m going to do all the previously scheduled workshops I can, based on if enough students are still willing to take them. I do have a minimum number of students I need to make sense financially do do these things, especially right now.
On another note, many people have been after me to do an online version of the workshop. Given the changes in the world, I am now working on this. I hope to have the program available by mid summer. It will include a personal video critique of your work by me, so it is not an entirely passive program. More news on that as it gets closer.
Thanks to my students who are still hanging in there for the postponed workshops to get rescheduled and to take place. I will miss doing these until such time as it makes sense to start offering them again.
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Any more details on your Kickstarter with Desmond Devlin? This year?
It’s still in the works. We decided to postpone the announcement with the pandemic and all. Since Kickstarter only gives you 60 days to reach your goal, we were concerned the uncertainty with the virus would prevent us from having a good shot at it. Soon.