Workshop Updates: London, MN, and Phoenix Openings!
It’s been a while since I posted an update on my 2018 worldwide caricature workshop tour. Workshops in Los Angeles (x2), Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, New York City and Toronto are in the books already. Most of the rest of 2018 is sold out including Portland, Switzerland, and Los Angeles (again!), but I do have a few spots open in the following workshops:
London, UK: Aug 14-16th: Some late cancellations have opened up a couple of spots on what has been a sold out workshop the last few months. This one does happen over weekdays versus the usual weekend. I did that on purpose knowing August is a busy wedding month in the UK and I didn’t want pro caricaturists to have to give up lucrative gigs to take the class. That seems to have backfired as almost no pro caricaturists have signed up, and many interested parties cannot get time off their regular jobs. Live and learn. All you UK folks now have a chance to take the class! Sign up here.
Eagan, MN: Oct 12-14th: Only THREE Spots left! If you are considering traveling to take one of my workshops, this is a good one to come to. Firstly, MSP airport is a hub for Delta and Sun Country, so direct flights here are pretty cheap. Second, the hotel is only 15 minutes from the airport, nice and cheap at only $89 a night. Third, the Friday portion of the workshop takes place at my house and studio, where I demo my inking and coloring illustration techniques in my actual workspace, you get a tour and are able to peruse lots of original artworks and other fun stuff. Plus The Lovely Anna feeds and waters you. Grab one of those three remaining spots here!
Phoenix AZ- Nov 30-Dec 2: This one is slowly filling up, with five spots left right now. This is my last workshop in 2018. Place a deposit for a spot here!
Here is a wonderful testimonial I received from Danesh Mohiuddin, who took my workshop earlier this month in Toronto:
This class is not just about caricatures its about becoming a better artist. I was astounded by how much I learned in three days and how much fun I had at the same time. Tom shares his techniques for caricatures, inking, and digital colouring. Although the class is focused on drawing caricatures it is also excellent if you want to just improve your drawing and illustration skills (like myself). Additionally, it was an amazing opportunity to network with other great artists in your field as the class room setting is quite intimate and allows for free flowing conversation and interaction. Because of the small classes, Tom also has time to get to know your individual drawing strengths and weakness and can help you along your own personal journey (you will do a lot of drawing in this class and see yourself vastly improved by the third day). The group caricature illustration that he gifts is a lifetime treasure (so make sure you send your photo on time!). Before this class I admired Tom’s illustration work for MAD now I admire him as a teacher and a person. Tom set me on the right path in my career as an illustrator and that’s beyond invaluable. It’s never too early or too late to take this course. Take it now!
Thanks for the kind words, Danesh! You can read more about what the workshops are all about here.
2018 was the year of the workshop for me doing one every month except September, but I cannot keep up this pace. I will do considerably fewer workshops in 2019. I am in the midst of planning one in Orlando again in January of 2019, but past that I have no plans or locations in mind. I’m open to suggestions, so email me with them! Just a reminder that if you assist me in setting up a workshop in your area by finding a suitable hotel or workshop site, a place for a class dinner and at least six attendees, you get a spot in the workshop for free!
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Can’t wait for the new Orlando workshop! Thanks a bunch for the time and energy you put into these workshops, Tom. I will be the first to sign up!