Richmond Illustration Inc.
Workshop Updates
April 14th, 2017 | Posted in News
Just a quick update on what’s left in my scheduled 2017 caricature workshops:
Eagan, MN: April 28-30th, 2017– 3 spots left
Eagan, MN: May 5-7th, 2017- 4 spots left
Pittsburgh PA: June 9-11th, 2017- 7 spots left
Munich, Germany: July 7-9th, 2017- SOLD OUT!
Long Island City, NY: Aug 8-10 2017- Only 1 spot left!! SOLD OUT!!
I’m surprised the Pittsburgh workshop is not doing so well, considering of all the places I said I was considering for a workshop that one got the biggest response. Plenty of places left there. The two MN ones have a few spots left, but time is running out if you want to participate… I need to draw you in to the workshop T-shirt illustration!:
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