Workshop Warmups: Gov. Ralph Northam!

I just got back from teaching another caricature workshop, this time in Las Vega$, so it’s time for another round of “Workshop Warmups!” On the second day of the class, we start out by doing three or four warmup sketches where I have the class suggest subjects, I search for an image to work from, and we all spend 10 minutes doing a quick caricature study of each. Here’s one from this past weekend, embattled Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam. I was tempted to do him in blackface, but my better nature triumphed.
By the way, I project what you see above on a large screen behind me–photo on the left and space on the right. Then I do the sketch digitally in PhotoShop in the area to the right of the reference while the class does their sketch. I didn’t tighten this one up at all, that’s 10 minutes worth of sketching.
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Your sketch makes him look educated? Nice job Tom, he may appreciate your effort.