Richmond Illustration Inc.
Workshop Warmups- Sly Stallone!
January 22nd, 2019 | Posted in General

People seemed to like the “Workshop Warmups” I posted last week from my Orlando Workshop that took place Jan 11-13th, so I thought I’d post the ones from my second Orlando workshop that took place this past weekend.
On the second day of the workshop, we always start out doing three warm up sketches. I have the class suggest a subject, I find an image online to work from, and then we project it on the screen and do a quick caricature while we listen to music. No instruction, just a few “getting the juices flowing” studies. 10 minutes per warmup (although I tighten them up a little bit later). Here’s Sylvester Stallone, both the picture we drew from and my sketch.
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The class was great I got a lot out of it see you again someday thanks for everything tom
it was wonderful having you there, Michael!