World Record Holder Al Jaffee Day!
The Lovely Anna and I were lucky to be able to attend a special event last night in celebration of the great Al Jaffee‘s 95th birthday at Sardi’s in New York City. Hosted by DC Entertainment, a crowd of Al’s family, friends and colleagues congratulated Al on seven decades (and going) of work as a cartoonist and on 95 years on the planet. The evening included some big surprises, including Al’s induction into the Guinness Book of World Records and a NYC Mayoral Proclamation.
Al and MAD writer Dick DeBartolo
More of MAD’s Usual Idiots (Clockwise lower left): MAD photographer Irving Schild, production artist Marc Russo, associate editor Jacob Lambert and senior editor Joe Raiola.
The Lovely Anna with Abrams Publishing editor Charlie Kochman and illustrator Ed Steckley.
The crowd included cartooning and comics luminaries (pictured) Danny Fingeroth, Mort Gerberg, Bunny Hoest and many others (not pictured).
MAD Senior VP and Executive Editor John Ficarra.
Al’s official Guinness World Record (picture by Jason Chatfield)
The biggest surprise of the night was a representative of the Guinness Book of World Records officially declaring Al the record holder for the longest career as a professional comics artist and 73 years, 3 months. Al breaks that record every day. In talking with some of the DC Comics folks there last night, I was told a LOT went in to making that official, including the affirmation of the dates by four independent sources. Amazing.
Al and wife Joyce receive his Mayoral Proclamation.
Al was also presented with an official Proclamation from New York City Major Bill de Blasio congratulating him on his incredible achievements and declaring March 30th, 2016 “Al Jaffee Day” in New York… and none of you celebrated???
A vintage piece of comic’s history (the art, not Al… well, Al also)
MAD art director Sam Viviano presented Al with something recently uncovered in the DC vaults, the original art from one of Al’s earliest “Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions” articles in MAD, circa 1967.
Al’s foldable “Cake Boss” birthday cake
After some video birthday wishes from Sergio Aragonés, Dan DiDio and Stan Lee, Al was presented with his birthday cake, from TV’s “Cake Boss” bakers!
A great night honoring a great man and cartoonist.
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Really enjoyed looking through these pictures. Thanks for sharing!
massive respects to the legend of our times Al Jaffee sir ___/\___ namaste !!!
That is fantastic! Thank you for sharing.
What a great event for a great guy! Wish I could have been there. The fact that I was lucky enough to have worked with him and have some of my writing illustrated by him still blows my mind to this day.
Been a fan since I picked up my firs Mad in the sixties, Happy Birthday Al, and many more. Congratulations on the Guinness
I was lucky enough to meet Al a few years ago in Cape Cod. I was an honor to be in his presence. I’m a huge fan.
As a MAD reader from the 1960s on up I congratulate Al on his 95 years on the planet and his Guinness World Record. I’ll probably never hit 95 and I’m sure I won’t be able to hold a job for 70 years!
Al Jaffee is the sweet and generous soul who dragged me into this furshluggener bizness in the first place! But I love him nevertheless.