World’s Worst Theme Park
I got this link courtesy of the National Caricaturist Network message board forum, which is frequented by a lot of theme park caricaturists!
Theme Park Review is a website that… well… reviews theme parks. Created by Robb & Elissa Alvey, it has hundreds of pictures and commentary about theme parks all over the world. According to their bio: “Robb & Elissa Alvey have been roller coaster and theme park “enthusiasts” for over 20 years. Combined, they have traveled the world for theme parks and have ridden more than 1,500 different roller coasters.”
I knew theme parks existed in other countries, and they are not just a United States Phenomenon. I know of parks in Japan, the UK, France and Canada, but Theme Park Review has photos and reviews of parks in places like Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and many other countries.
Then there’s this gem: The Worst Theme Park In The World
Here’s a sample of the pictures from Fantazy Land, in Alexandria, Egypt:
Hmmm… the sign needs some repair…
I think I see Mickey Mouse dead in the moat!
The short story that accompanies the pictures is very funny, especially the part where the price of admission goes from 7 Egyptian pounds to 30 pounds magically while at the gate. What a scary experience that must have been… if this is what their grounds look like their rides must be death traps.
This looks like a good spot to expand the old caricature empire! Uh… on second thought….
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