Wyakin Warriors Fundraising Contest
The last few Decembers I have been part of a group of fellow cartoonists that have traveled to the beautiful city of Boise, ID to help raise money for a wonderful organization called the Wyakin Warriors Foundation. The WW supports wounded U.S. soldiers by not just paying for their post-service education, but by supporting them in every meaningful way to give them the tools to complete their education and get jobs in their fields. According to recent statistics, only 10% of wounded veterans manage to finish school after leaving the service. The WW graduation rate? 100%. That’s because of the incredible support system they have in place to help these heroes.
Right now the Wyakin Warriors organization is doing a fundraiser to help them continue to do this great work. You can head over to my friend, fellow cartoonist, USO tour mate and founder of the Wyakin Warriors Jeff Bacon‘s blog for the details on how you can help out.
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Tom, you’ve been a great supporter… thanks for all you’ve done for our team. A quick link to our program: http://idahogives.razoo.com/story/Wyakin-Warrior-Foundation
Donated! Looks like a great cause.